Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dear Gamestop


I use your website to view “New Releases” for the Nintendo DS and the Nintendo Wii, mostly, so I can download the ROMs for new games when they come out. I will go through the list of new releases and anything that looks remotely interesting—I right click and open in a new tab. When I reach one I’ve already seen on your site before, I stop and then go through the tabs of each one that I had been remotely interested in. This is where the problem comes in.

I would have to say that a good 80% of the newest results are lacking in the area of screen shots. Of the 20% that do have screen shots, 80% of the results with screen shots, only have only a couple, and most of them are not of game-play, but of the title screen or a map screen or something else completely unhelpful.

90% of the results don’t have a video game trailer. This is okay, because if I need to screen shots first, before I decide to commit to watching any kind of trailer. 90% of the results with “trailers” involve little to no game-play footage, anyway, so I would be going elsewhere to view a trailer.

90% of the results have no “Recommendation” (this is where you usually keep the game’s user rating, review-wise). If you guys suck that bad at getting buyer reviews, maybe you should at least add a “Gamestop thinks” and put a number there. Give us something to go on!

I also go through the new releases under the “Download Now” section. This is where Gamestop sells you games you can buy and download and play on your PC. 80% of all these games, not just the new releases, all of them—have no screen shots, no trailers, no reviews. Very encouraging.

The reason I use your website to view new releases is because it is the simplest one in the way of just giving me a list of the newest games out for whatever console. is too cluttered and confusing and every 5 click I get an ad and have to click “skip this ad and continue”. That is annoying. I really haven’t bothered to browse around and find another site to use for the purpose I use yours. I should. I don’t know why I haven’t. I am going to very soon if you don’t get on top of this stuff. The only thing your company is supposed to be doing with your website is trying to get me, the consumer, to buy new games. I say new games, because if we want used games and we are stupid enough to not buy them on Ebay and shop with you, we’re going to an actual store location to get a lower, used, price. If you want us to buy these new games, you’re going to have to give me some information. And don’t give me the “Well the game just came out, we don’t have that information/content yet” bullshit. If IGN can have screen shots and reviews up months before a game is out, so can you.

So why don’t you?


Person who no longer buys anything from you on or offline.